I'd like to add in my perspective when it comes to Hinduism and this story. One of the main things I've had embedded in me as a Hindu is a respect for other cultures. So I find it extremely interesting that Sanjeev is so disrespectful towards the Christian religion.
In summary, Twinkle is awesome and knows her Hinduism. Sanjeev is just bitter and needs to get over himself. :)
Good post -- definitely interested in the question of Sanjeev's "disrespect" toward Christianity. I don't read it as disrespect toward Christianity as much as a reaction against the loss of his own identity -- on one level, his identity as a single guy completely in charge of his own destiny (even though he wanted to get married); on a larger level, as a man who's in a netherworld between Indian and American culture. Obviously he's okay with a certain amount of American culture in his life (it affords him an affluent lifestyle and a respectable career, and it's advantageous to him that his wife is both beautiful and fluent in the culture), but when it starts cropping up in his attic, his lawn, his mantle...he feels encroached upon. In the end, he resigns himself to it. But I feel a great sense of loss and I think I side with Sanjeev in the whole thing.