Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Water, Water, Water

Although I love taking long,warm, steamy showers every so often(usually every day), it's something that I confess I should not do. After this week and the other lectures I've heard on water from Mr. Reardon, I'm slowly beginning to realize the benefits of being efficient with water use. First off, water is essential to life. Secondly, water is either slowly going away, or it's quality is undrinkable. So it is obvious we need to start changing the way we use water. We've been taking our resources for granted, and now we're going to have to change our methods fast before ultimate doom(not to be to dramatic).
Besides the fact that we will ruin the world if we keep using water inefficiently the way we are right now, using water efficiently is also smart financially. One of the LEED schools my group and I looked at during our research had saved $11,500 dollars on water costs annually since they became LEED certified. Moreover, they only had 37 LEED points, which is about half of the maximum points. So, in conclusion, becoming green is probably a good idea and just a tad bit necessary for our survival.

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